Alex’s Birth Story
Second Birth
Home Birth
For my second birth, I was intent on having a home birth, so that I could have a positive experience. My first birth was “high risk” and I felt completely out of control, scared and traumatised, even though it was technically ‘normal’ from a medical perspective. I also took a hypnobirthing course, purchased a pool and did extensive research into aromatherapy, to ensure that I remained calm, in control and safe.
The labour began gradually and I had a long and sporadic latent phase, which is something I was unfamiliar with, as my first labour was fast and intense.
I welcomed this change of pace, as I gained a sense of control and was able to feel fully immersed in the experience. I used Clary Sage in a diffuser during this time, as its sedative effect allowed me to sleep, whilst the surges were mild and infrequent.
As the surges increased in intensity, sleep became unobtainable. I started to utilise a birthing ball, whilst mobilising around the bedroom. My partner was busy preparing the birthing pool but was able to help massage an oil blend into my lower back and bump. It succeeded in maintaining the mood I needed, until the arrival of the midwife, at which point, my surges came to an abrupt halt.
I decided to return to resting in the bed and recommenced the clary sage in the diffuser. The surges then began to return and gathered momentum. Clary Sage is most commonly associated with the ability to stimulate the uterus, so I feel it was pivotal to my labours progression, following a pause.
As the labour became more intense and the birth approached, I began to feel tired and increasingly uncomfortable. I was massaged with a second aromatherapy blend which provided an analgesic effect and uplifted me. It definitely gave me confidence, eased the pain and helped to power me through the feelings of doubt.
Soon after that, I entered the pool, as I knew the end was imminent. My 6 year old daughter awoke at this point and joined us by the pool to offer support and to meet her new sibling. The diffuser containing Clary Sage was placed near to the pool for me to inhale. I was also using hypnobirthing breathing techniques, throughout the labour and I remember focusing on each long, in-breath. I then relaxed into the slow out-breath and accessed a mindful space, at this crucial point.
The final stage was intense, powerful and swift. I intuitively used my hands to steadily guide my baby into the world. I lifted her out of the water and onto my chest with an enormous sense of relief. The Clary Sage continued to flow through the air, as I soaked in the first precious moments with my baby. My placenta was also birthed easily, without intervention, shortly after emerging from the pool.
I used a number of aids to facilitate a relaxed and gentle birth. The pool, hypnobirthing and aromatherapy definitely felt like the vital components that facilitated the birth I dreamed of. It gave me a sense of control, worked as a distraction, formed a connection with my partner and provided relief from discomfort and worry. I will always associate birth with happy, positive memories and implore others to prepare as much as possible, as it is the key to an amazing experience.