
Carly’s Birth Story

First Birth ICSI

Hospital - Delivery Suite

Positive COVID 19 Story

It’s 5 weeks on from giving birth and I still find myself amazed at my experience and the human body... not forgetting the beautiful little girl we made.

I knew I wanted to try hypnobirthing from very early on in my pregnancy, but did have that little niggle in the back of my head.. ‘will it be too hippy for me’ and does it really work?

The course I enrolled on was recommended by my maternity unit at the hospital and it was the best decision I could have made - the teacher was extremely engaging (which no doubt helped) and my husband joined too. We had to learn via online methods due to the current pandemic which I thought wouldn’t work so well - but how I was wrong!

I made a commitment to myself to practice and meditate as much as I could - I meditated once if not twice a day from around 32 weeks listening to the relaxing recordings and regularly reminded myself of the positive affirmations by putting post it notes around the house (make up mirror, the room I workout in and on my laptop).

I used 4 Affirmations which really resonated with me and my mindset and they really do work! The breathing techniques are simple to learn yet so effective, I had no idea how powerful the breath would be but it truly is.

The day:

22nd May her ‘due date’ but that term puts pressure on people I think! My waters broke at 2pm on 21st May and not a lot happened until 4pm when I started to feel contractions. I remained at home until they were strong and regular - breathing through each contraction and riding the wave! They started to get very strong so we headed into hospital at around 8pm and went straight to the delivery suite.

We were greeted by a lovely midwife who ushered us into the room at this point my husband pretty much took over as per my request as I was getting in the zone and didn’t need disturbing - still to this day I do not remember this part! 

I was 5 cms dilated at this stage and by 10:30 I was 8cms... then by midnight I was fully dilated - Ava arrived 1.5 hours later at 01:29.  

I do remember my midwife, the environment and my partner... she hardly uttered a word to me other than reassuring me everything was going in the right direction and sat quietly in the corner of the dimly lit room checking on my progress every now and then and making notes.

I used gas and air early on which I think takes the edge off and gives you something to focus on but I truly believe the breathing techniques and affirmations helped more..  my husband was amazing and knew what to say and when... using the correct words such as ‘surge’ and my body knows exactly what it’s doing etc.

The midwife said I was ready to push so I moved to being upright on the bed on my knees supporting my body by using the head of the bed to grip onto. My husband stayed at this end by my head reapplying my cold flannel when needed and passing me the gas and air. I used my affirmations a lot at this stage and really focused my breathing.

The pushing stage was incredible and very empowering... like nothing anyone can explain to you. Your body just knows what to do (if you let it) I can see how panic and fear would get in the way of this though. You lose all track of time but just know when to push - I was determined to have a quiet birth unlike the drama you see on TV and in the media of sensationalised nonsense of women screaming their heads off!

Also, the amount of people who tell you their ‘terrible’ experience of child birth when your pregnant is staggering... women need to stop this and we as a society need to change and re educate.

I moved positions a couple of times to lay on my side but for the last part was back on my knees letting gravity do its job and using my body and strength to push her out. It’s worth noting I exercised until 2 days before giving birth and used transverse abdominal exercises to help with this stage. The midwife told me she could see her head (and all the hair) so I knew it was close.. I don’t remember any pain at all during the pushing stage (I do for contractions).

Once her head was out it was no time at all for her body to follow and there she was a tiny little human covered in gunk and so so warm... skin on skin from then onwards hugging my little miracle and realising what powerful creatures we are!

It was absolutely the most empowering experience of my life, extremely positive and straightforward - which I believe is down to hypnobirthing and every pregnant woman should try it or at least have access to such methods.

I have been happy and healthy since the birth and so has my little one - being born in a calm environment must have worked! Even the midwife said her job was easy that night as she didn’t need to do anything and if my husband ever needed another job they would hire him ha ha ha!!! 

I cannot express enough how incredible hypnobirthing was for me - to take me from feeling a bit fearful and anxious of the task ahead of me to being in full control and dare I say it.... actually enjoying giving birth... is utterly priceless.