Live Online Hypnobirthing Group Course

From my home to yours, wherever that might be.

£295 for you and your birth partner(s)

4 x 2.5 hours weekly live sessions on zoom

7.30-10pm UK

Exactly the same content as my in person course but with no need to get a babysitter or leave the house. Eat your dinner, lounge on the sofa, bounce around on your birth ball…. join in your pyjamas (highly recommended)

Although I’m in Hackney I’ve taught people all over the UK and indeed the world - Canada, Ecuador, France, Germany, Grenada, Ireland, Spain and USA so far.

Up to 8 spaces available (birth person and their partner is 1 space but you can join from separate locations if necessary). You’re entirely welcome to have your birth partner join from a separate location if necessary and have 2 birth partners join if that’s applicable to you.

Scroll down to see course content and also my Hypnobirthing Essentials for group - via `zoom

“Anna has a great way of building trust and rapport quickly in a group - attending weekly was something we ended up really looking forward to. We loved every session and learned SO MUCH.”

— Amy & Will

Upcoming Full Courses


Tuesdays 7.30pm - 10pm UK

10th, 17th, 24th & 31st


Thursdays 7.30pm - 10pm UK

23rd, 2nd, 9th, 16th

Full Group Course Outline

Week 1

WTF is hypnobirthing / Mind/body connection / Fear/Tension/Pain cycle / Breathing techniques / Loads of relaxation techniques / what your uterus is up to in labour

Week 2

Optimal fetal positioning / your body in pregnancy /Caesarean birth / Hormones and how to supercharge them/ Birth place options /pain relief, how they’re administered and the pros & cons

Week 3

How to navigate the maternity system / Decision making framework / Your rights and choices / The Induction process / Your baby womb to world

Week 4

Stages of labour and what to expect / practical comfort techniques / birth partner roles & responsibilities / the golden hour / postnatal planning


You will receive

  • Comprehensive course companion & welcome pack

  • Access to the private online hub, brimming with extra resources and information, a separate partner hub too

  • Loads of MP3 relaxations including one for birth partners confidence, positive statements/affirmations

  • Postnatal period planning worksheet - how to thrive not just survive

  • Comprehensive editable birth plans for vaginal and caesarean birth

  • Invitation to join the Group WhatsApp - your new parent mates

  • The Birth Uprising digital pack worth £45

  • My ongoing text/email support until you tell me to bugger off!

Upcoming Group Hypnobirthing Essentials via Zoom - £95


Wednesday 15th 7.30pm - 10.30pm

This is ideal if you’re short on time or it suits you budget better. Taught in a group setting on zoom it’s packed with essential info and my cheapest option for getting hypnobirthing info in a hurry.

WTF is hypnobirthing? - mind body connection - fear, tension, pain cycle - how the uterus works - relaxation tools and techniques - hormones - birth environment -stages of labour - birth partner 101.