Labour Cheat Sheet
Things to remember
Make the most of your hormones
Endorphins - Stimulated by light touch massage. Encouraged by laughter and love. Pain reliever 200 x stronger than morphine. Encourages Oxytocin.
Oxytocin - Responsible for surges, bonding with baby, euphoric feeling after birth. Shy hormone, needs privacy. Stimulated by loving touch, hugs, laughter, positivity, nipple and clitoral stimulation.
Melatonin - Boosts oxytocin, thrives when in the dark and unobserved.
Managing your comfort levels
Warm water Bath, shower, birth pool, hot water bottle
Distraction Music, TV, laughter
Massage Light touch, firm kneading at base of spine, hip squeezes
Birth ball Rocking, swaying, figure of 8 hips, UFO positions
Acupressure Comb in hand, tennis ball at the base of the spine, thumbs, knuckles
Anchoring Smells, words, colours, objects
Breathing Techniques
Calm Breathing – in for 4, out for 4 more
Wave Breathing – in for 7 out for 7
Birth Breathing – In for 1 out for 7
If things slow down
Ask for patience
Have a snack
Change position
Have a wee
Breathing techniques
Nipple or clitoral stimulation
Hugs, kisses, massage
More around
Top tips for Birth partner
Set up the room, think hormones
Food and drink
In charge of music
Reduce people in the room
Suggest position changes and going to the toilet
Loving touch, hugs etc.
Help with breathing techniques
Notice tension and help release – especially jaw
Have conversations with staff
Ask for different staff if needs be
Advocate to stick to birth plan