Perineal Massage
Wash your hands thoroughly.
Sit in a private, warm and comfortable place. Massage after a bath or shower when the tissues are warm can be easier.
Apply a lubricant such as an unscented oil (e.g. olive oil), to your hands and the perineal area.
Place a thumb or 2 fingers around 3cm/1½ inches (around half the length of your thumb) into the vagina.
Massage the area by gently rubbing the perineal tissues between your thumb (inside) and fingers (outside).
Press downwards and to the sides, gently stretching until you feel a tingling sensation. This feeling lessens after a few moments.
Once this sensation is felt, hold the stretch for around one minute until the feeling subsides and begin gently massaging the lower part of the vagina by moving your thumb back and forth. While massaging also hook your thumb onto the sides of the vagina and gently pull these tissues forward, as your baby's head does when they’re being born.
Continue to gently rub as you stretch for around three to four minutes. Discontinue if you feel pain.
Perineal Massage Demo
Fear not, it’s not me and she’s not naked although somehow the pink pants are even more graphic !
Perineal Massage Partner Demo
It can be physically awkward with your bump in the way so if partners want to help here’s how…